Category Archives: Featured

If you’re losing your grip on quantum mechanics, you may want to read up on this

By | January 8, 2016

To many students, quantum mechanics is an academically imposed phantom that comes and goes as quickly as the semesters start and end. A primary reason, I believe, is that they find it so far removed from their familiarities. They approach quantum mechanics with the Newtonian mindset which is in accord with their everyday experience. When… Read More »

Who is afraid of divergent integrals?

By | July 29, 2015

We, physicists, are obviously not afraid. Our literature, from our notes to our papers to our books, is replete with them. We are not at all embarrassed by our seemingly wanton disregard to mathematical rigor in our mathematical acrobatics that often lead to our ill-defined or infinite-valued divergent integrals. Our enduring affair with such almost… Read More »

Where weirdness runs supreme

By | April 14, 2015

Quantum mechanics provides the most accurate description of our physical universe so far. It reigns supreme in its scope, from the smallest known particles that are the quarks to the largest conglomeration of objects that is the cosmos. It accounts for all the observed properties of the elements of the periodic table, and the molecules… Read More »